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To see how ADHD diagnosis cases for adults have been rising, but is not actually cases of Adult Onset ADHD we turn to Neil Peterson, a business man and the chairman of the Edge Foundation that was created to help children with executive functioning abilities introduces in his blog the possibility that people who seem to develop ADHD symptoms as adults may have had ADHD symptoms all their lives but only recently been put into an environment that makes their symptoms obvious. There should be more research done on ADHD so that it could be detected early on and more easier.

Doctor Lindstrom provides a solution to solve the inaccuracy of ADHD diagnosis:


Caitlyn Dewey, reporter from the New York Times, argues that perhaps media does not cause ADHD but is a moderator that may worsen or induce ADHD symptoms


A symptom does not inherently mean the disorder the symptom is connected to. Symptoms can be linked to multiple disorders. ADHD symptoms are similar to symptoms that cause a range of other conditions like depression, forms of anxiety, head injuries, metabolic imbalances, and so on.


Looking at just symptoms makes it hard to discern between mental disorders. More biological research is needed!

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